My ONLY Hope: A Prayer of Confession
A word from Tullian: Week after week our Pastor, Pat Thurmer, stands up during the Worship Service and leads the congregation in a Prayer of Confession. He will be allowing me to print them here weekly so that all of you who can’t be there with us on Sunday mornings can benefit from them as much as we do.
Jesus summed up the entire law this way:
“Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.”
I’m pretty sure I’ve never done either one. Because at the heart of who I am, I am selfish and self-absorbed. Even my most charitable acts at some point and on some level are tainted by a self-congratulating “way to go”—I can’t escape it.
In fact, the second I seek to know or become aware of how good or loving I am, it ceases to be either.
My only hope—my ONLY hope—is in the goodness, grace, and mercy of a God who knows this about me and loves me anyway. He freely gives, and fully credits, to me a goodness that is not my own for the sake of His crucified and risen Son.