All in Words from Friends
God’s call put my granddad's feet on a path from which he never wavered. And he fulfilled that calling without ever being guilty of any sexual, financial, or other moral scandals. I wanted to be just like him when I grew up. But I failed…
Almost everyone gets it, one way or the other. And I don’t mean “gets it” in the sense of understanding something. I mean “gets it” in the sense of getting-it-between-the-eyes. Almost everyone gets the big hurt; and, in the words of The Doors, “almost no one here gets out alive.” Whether you say of your experience…
A Presbyterian pastor told of a conversation with a man in his congregation; “You preachers talk a lot about giving, but when you get right down to it, it all comes down to Basin Theology.” The pastor asked, “Basin Theology, what’s that?” The man replied, “Remember what Pilate did when he had the chance to acquit Jesus?”
For more years than I care to remember, a stalker has cast her shadow over my life. She trails me to work, spies on me at home, skulks nearby when I go out on the town. Never is she far away, and never does she slack in her pursuit. She’s a different breed of stalker, however, so reporting her to the police…
Did you hear about the guy with the toothache on the Titanic? Or the couple who were bickering about their relationship in their cabin? Or the grieving widow and her children? Or the guy who was drunk and in despair about his addiction? Little did these people know, as they made their way across the Atlantic Ocean in 1912…
Recently at Living Faith Church, Cape Coral, Florida, I had the chance to introduce Tullian as the speaker at a ‘Broken Christmas’ service. The following is the story with which I welcomed him. It comes from William Inge’s 1970 novel entitled, “My Son Is a Splendid Driver.” The narrator, a man in his mid-40s, is visiting…
The primary purpose of the Law is to show us our sin and God’s hatred of it. The Law exposes our failure, and it diagnoses our disease. It reveals God’s perfect will and our inability to keep it. The Law is good, but it is ruthless. It demands everything but gives nothing. The Law cannot produce in us what…
The great magician, Harry Houdini, was a famous escape artist. Known for his uncanny ability to free himself from: handcuffs, ropes, chains, straight jackets, locked trunks, and just about anything else. He often issued challenges for people to try to confine him, but he could always find a way…
Want to do something that people really love? Commit an act of infamy. It doesn’t have to be a mind-boggling evil. Something run-of-the-mill will do. It just needs to be simple, scandalous, and public knowledge. Think Monica Lewinski. Why? Infamy allows us the opportunity to hone one of our favorite skills: to shrink a 343-page life story…
I’ve been mulling over 1 Timothy 1:15. “The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And I am the chief of sinners.” If you are in the ministry and have watched colleague after colleague “bite the dust” for sins that may well have been of their own…
The world crucifies the church. The church crucifies its best. And all that’s left then, of the absolutely needed Gospel of Christ’s mercy, is dust. On January 6, 1961, an episode of “The Twilight Zone” was broadcast entitled—you guessed it—“Dust.” I wouldn’t talk about it if I hadn’t seen it myself…
I first met Tullian back in 2012 at the first LIBERATE Conference he hosted in Fort Lauderdale. Each year we would bring a large group from our small church over from the southwest coast of Florida to the southeast coast of Florida to take in the Good News that was so effectively delivered there…